To God Be
The Glory!
Rev. Dr. Roger L. & Terry R. Harris
We Know
About You,
God Loves
And So Do
We welcome our members, friends, and visitors to Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, a Christ-Centered, Bible-Based, and Spirited Congregation.
Mt. Moriah was established in January 1866. A group of Christians who had dreams of having their own place of Worship, rather than in the segregated churches where they were allowed to sit in the balcony and listen only. Mt. Moriah Today... We are "Illuminating the Dream in 2024", while striving graciously to keep the dream alive of our founders. Mt. Moriah is the oldest predominately African-American Church in Kershaw County.
We are pleased you have chosen to visit our Online Church Home. On this website, you will find information about our Worship Services, schedule of weekly services, our history, ministries, calendar of events, photo gallery and links for children and adults games, activities and other resources. Also, you may want to visit our Mt. Moriah Outreach, Incorporation (Soup kitchen) website.
Mt. Moriah is a Bible-teaching, family-centered, fellowship of believers, who are committed to following God's Directions and sharing His love through services to all people. We strive to fulfill our "Ultimate Mission" through Worship, Preaching, Teaching, Bible Study, Fellowship, Community Services, and other seasonal community outreach missions.
We hope that you will be encouraged to visit our church so that we can greet and welcome you personally to our "Divine Worship Experiences" and Fellowship. If you live in Camden or surrounding area and are without a church home, we sincerely hope that God will inspire you to join our Mt. Moriah Church Family.
We Welcome You to...
Mt. Moriah !
Physical Address: 801 Broad Street - Camden, SC 29020
Mailing Address: PO Box 876, Camden, SC 29021
Phone: 803.432.4454 | Email: